Sales Training and Consulting Solutions

Sales Practices Assessment

We provide the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of your current sales practices. May of North America's best sales organizations like Compass Bank BVVA and Oriental Bank asked us to have conduct multiple reviews of their sales practices over time to identify opportunities for improvement.

Through our unique process of employee surveys, on-site interviews and observations, assessment of sales supervisors, and review of sales practices, sales effectiveness and profitability, we help you craft an integrated sales plan that will substantially increase your net income per employee both by cutting costs and increasing sales revenue.

Sales Process

We help you improve your focus and accountability for sales by defining your Preferred Way of Selling® for each business unit; creating systematic processes for sales planning, selling, pipeline management and coaching; and designing performance scorecards and cost-effective reward programs. Our recommendations will also include sales role accountabilities and performance standards, salesperson recruiting, selection and orientation, 90 day goal setting and weekly sales planning, acquisition, retention and growth of target customer/member relationships, and use of CRM information and technology to support selling.

Sales, Service and Sales Management Skill Building

To create consistent selling practices across your organization and to get new employees to full sales production fast, we provide the financial industry’s broadest sales training curriculum, customized to your financial objectives and standards for sales behavior. For all courses, our clients have the options of on-site training by our consultants or licensing and trainer certification.

Courses are designed differently for virtually every selling and supervisory role in retail banking, small business banking, call centers, mortgage and wealth management from teller to lender and feature practical, “how to” content and disciplined practice.

These courses are supplemented by custom workshops and the industry’s best trainer training and leader guides. (See SALES TRAINING COURSES) All workbooks and leader guides are produced in color and spiral bound, and feature extensive skill practice.

iSkillMastery Online Skill Reinforcement

Employees who have completed our training can access our library of "just-in-time" video on their computer or mobile device.

Follow-up Reinforcement Coaching and Sales Plan Reviews

To help your front-line sales supervisors, regional managers, and business unit sales managers reinforce your preferred sales process, we conduct on-site sales coaching visits with sales supervisors after training to further develop the effective use of best coaching practices.

The purpose of sales coaching is twofold: (a) to inspect progress relative to the organization’s goals and for the culture change initiative underway, and (b) to provide on the spot assistance and feedback to field sales managers. The areas to be discussed during sales coaching visits are agreed upon by the organization and the Schneider consultant prior to entering the field. The organization is provided with summary reporting of the findings along with recommendations to address areas of concern and identification of best practices.

Following our visits, we conduct sales plan reviews with your senior managers to provide feedback and to recommend corrective action as needed.

Service Delivery Standards

To support high performance selling, we provide internal service quality metrics, service standards, inter-department service agreements, and service quality and coaching courses for support department staff. We also provide direction on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty metrics for sales and service personnel and consulting on contact center sales and service delivery.

Ask about our new mobile learning skill reinforcement program.

See our current schedule.